Introducing the “Engaging with” book

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The book’s media-rich aspects introduced
All accepted entries will feature in the next edition of the book.
That’s in print. They will also be added right away to our app that accompanies the current edition of the book!

This can be a half-page article or a double-page spread (with video, podcast and PDF)

The reader can view associated web-stories, videos/podcasts and PDFs on their mobile

Key book facts. Hover over a box for details

Current edition's chapters

Obtaining Copies

Get the current edition at Amazon with free delivery, if you are on prime.

Pre-ordering copies of the next edition (at cover price) is the way of ensuring that, if your idea is of interest, it would be in the book and might win an award. Subsequently, you can obtain multiple copies of the paperback, shipped to your address, from us direct at discount.

It is also possible to arrange for custom copies featuring your own personalised message (in print and digital), and to take a licence for the original PDF manuscript for you to print multiple copies (typically over a thousand) for a large community.

Featured well-known brands

AR video alongside the book

This is a new type of media-rich publication, with video/podcast and interaction to help make the reader’s experience as engaging and enjoyable as possible.

It has web stories that blend video, images and text, and inspiring, informative and at times, humorous videos/podcasts from finalists and YouTube play “in the book”.

New for the next edition

New digital features for this year

Finalist’s PDFs can display on the reader’s mobile, providing more engaging content, with colour images and video/podcast alongside the book.

Great ideas in the form of an engaging video or article are also now considered for their own award and book article.

New for this edition

Even though the current edition has already been published, it is still possible to include new content.

Each chapter can trigger new digital content added after printing.

With Amazon Print-on-Demand we can also add your content to a reprint of this edition now.

Use the MENU for info on the awards, on how to participate and registering to get started

click to see examples from inside the book